Brief Biography
I am currently a research scientist at Google. Before that, I was a postdoctoral fellow in the computer science department at the University of California, Berkeley. My supervisor was professor Dan Klein. I did my graduate studies in computer science at the University of Pennsylvania. My advisor was the inimitable Fernando Pereira. Even further back, I graduated from Cornell University, where my undergraduate advisors were Claire Cardie and Lillian Lee. I am a Florida Blitzer.
I work on applications of machine learning to natural language. My research focuses in particular on learning compact, low-dimensional semantic and syntactic representations that generalize beyond lexical items. My co-authors and I have applied such representations to language modeling, part of speech tagging and sentiment classification, and machine translation.
Professional Activities
NIPS 2011 workshop
Afshin Rostamizadeh, Corinna Cortes, and I are hosting a NIPS 2011 workshop on domain adaptation.
Program committee member
I often serve on the program committee for ACL, EMNLP, NIPS, AISTATS, and ICML.
NIPS 2006 workshop
At NIPS 2006, Kilian Weinberger, Rajarshi Das, Irina Rish, and I ran a
workshop on applications of dimensionality reduction.